Categoria: News

2017 releases in the SIMULIA portfolio – Abaqus, fe-safe, Isight and Tosca – are now available

New Release of Abaqus & fe-safe 2017   Enhanced Contact and Constraints XFEM Contact Improvements for Abaqus/Standard Advances in LCP (Linear Complimentary Problem) Equation Solver for Abaqus/Standard Weld Fatigue Enhancements Vibration Fatigue Improvements Enhancements for Abaqus Users New Release of iSight & TOSCA 2017 [/fusion_title][fusion_text] Updated SIMULIA Execution Engine (SEE) Improved robustness and performance of TomEE Component Enhancements Abaqus component upgrade Automated export of Runtime Gateway pictures   Tosca Structure 2017 enhancements Improved fe-safe integration New Tosca Python driver integrates Abaqus and Tosca together, offering up to 75% faster runtime performance Tosca Fluid 2017 enhancements Tosca Fluid improved interfaces for: StarCCM+ 9.02 – 11.04     Concept to Production Using Simulation Insight for Additive Manufacturing Realistic physics-based simulation is a keystone that enables us to construct innovative and reliable industrial additive manufacturing processes.  In this eSeminar, we will explore how simulation enables a seamless connection between virtual and real representations of

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Dassault Systèmes and Airbus Group Extend Collaboration to Additive Manufacturing

3DEXPERIENCE Platform at the Core of Aircraft Programs Integrating Design, Simulation and Production VÉLIZY-VILLACOUBLAY, France — June 9, 2016 — Dassault Systèmes (Euronext Paris: #13065, DSY.PA), the 3DEXPERIENCE Company, world leader in 3D design software, 3D Digital Mock Up and Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) solutions, today announced that Airbus Group, after a two-year comprehensive benchmarking process, is extending its use of Dassault Systèmes’ 3DEXPERIENCE platform to its additive manufacturing programs integrating design, simulation and production. Airbus Group will deploy Dassault Systèmes’ collaborative design and simulation applications as part of the “Co-Design to Target” industry solution experience, for the additive manufacturing of tooling, prototyping and parts for test flights and for production use on commercial aircraft. This provides Airbus Group with digital continuity to optimize its conceptual designs by virtually validating each phase of the additive manufacturing process. Leveraging Dassault Systèmes’ applications and its own leadership and engineering expertise in additive

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Airbus Group Enhances Their 3D Design Capabilities With Dassault Systèmes’ 3DEXPERIENCE Platform

3D design software manufacturer Dassault Systèmes has long been known for their SOLIDWORKS software, a platform so big and far-reaching it has its ownthree-day conference dedicated to it. Their 3DEXPERIENCE platform, however, is no small potatoes. As companies integrate 3D printing more and more into their day-to-day business, 3DEXPERIENCE promises to help them every step of the way, from marketing to engineering. Dassault Systèmes made a big impact with 3DEXPERIENCE at CES 2016 in January, and several major organizations have adopted the platform for a wide range of applications from consumer electronics to defense. The latest company to leverage 3DEXPERIENCE is the Airbus Group, who has been all over the headlines lately, what with their official unveiling of their 3D printed UAV this week and their recent patent application that could theoretically lead to the 3D printing of entire airplanes. After a two-year benchmarking process, the Airbus Group is extending their use

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Exemplar e Visual Collaboration annunciano VCollab 3D PDF

Exemplar e Visual Collaboration Technologies annunciano la possibilità di esportare in formato interattivo 3D PDF da VCollab; software leader per la compressione, archiviazione e visualizzazione collaborativa dei dati CAE. VCollab oltre ad esportare il modello CAE 3D, e’ in grado di salvare in formato 3D PDF i risultati dell’analisi come le deformazioni o gli stress. Inoltre anche il CAE Bill of Material (BOM) puo’ essere estratto dal modello fem in modo da permettere una migliore comprensione dei risultati ottenuti e l’eventuale confronto con i dati contenuti nei sistemi PDM/PLM. Questa funzionalita’ permette agli analisti CAE di condividere e distribuire il frutto del loro lavoro ai colleghi o ai fornitori in modo efficace ed immediato. I principali formati supportati da VCollab sono: ANSYS, NASTRAN, Dassault Systemes, ABAQUS, LS DYNA, FLUENT, STAR-CCM+, CFX, fe-safe, nCODE e altri.

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Exemplar partecipa al 3D EXPERIENCE FORUM 2014

BUSINESS IN THE AGE OF EXPERIENCE Exemplar sara’ presente all’annuale appuntamento 3D EXPERIENCE FORUM 2014organizzato da Dassault Systèmes per presentare la SIMULIA Abaqus Realistic Simulation Experience Platform La più completa piattaforma di simulazione nel campo dell’ingegneria, in grado di affrontare le esigenze di molteplici settori strutturali integrando in modo multi-disciplinare problematiche strutturali, termiche, elettromagnetiche, multi-body, fluidodinamiche, acustiche e di fatica. Abaqus Unified FEA | Isight Process Automation Design Optimization | fe-safe Fatigue analysis | Tosca Topological Optimization Nell’odierna società dove tutto è interconnesso, sta emergendo un nuovo modello di fare business: gli utenti desiderano risposte immediate, semplicità e, più di tutto, esperienze uniche. Sentirete dalla voce stessa di opinion leaders, clienti e testimonial di livello mondiale come sia possibile, oltre a rilasciare prodotti di alta qualità, creare esperienze memorabili per gli utenti finali. Avrete modo, quindi, di toccare con mano come le nostre soluzioni all’avanguardia possano aiutarvi ad affrontare le nuove sfide grazie a maggior collaborazione,

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Affidabilità e Tecnologie

Exemplar e DASSAULT Systemes-SIMULIA saranno presenti alla edizione 2014 di Affidabilità & Tecnologie. A breve vi informeremo sul nostro spazio espositivo e  sui contenuti della nostra partecipazione.

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