CACRCS DAYS 2020 Capacity Assessment of Corroded Reinforced Concrete Structures
1-4 December 2020 Venue: ON LINE TOPIC The capacity assessment of corroding reinforced concrete, fibre reinforced concrete and prestressed structures has become a most relevant engineering task with a significant social and economic impact. The need to develop codes for use in the practice spurs the research community to establish and share methods for the determination of material deterioration and mechanical properties, member resistance and structural capacity. Special sessions are organised during the workshop. Authors are invited to select the session at which they will present their papers. At the beginning of each session, chairpersons prepare two education presentations: the first one illustrates the fundamental, while the second one the research challenges of the topic treated in the session. Therefore, the virtual workshop offers didactic material for engineers, practitioners and a forum for scientists, concrete technologists, researchers, and academics to get a deeper knowledge about the corrosion of reinforced concrete